Puppies are $3,000 for both males and females. This price does not include breeding rights. Each puppy will come with the ability to be registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC). Breeding rights can be purchased for an additional cost.
Each puppy gets regular handling and care. They will be vet checked, vaccinated, and wormed. You will take home some puppy food, a pedigree, some helpful training tips and AKC registration. Puppies will be Microchipped prior to go home and the chip will be pre-paid so there will be no additional fees for you.
All of my adult dogs have been DNA tested for any genetic concerns. I offer a health guarantee and will take any puppy back for any reason no questions asked.
Click the "I'm Ready For A Puppy" button to get on my list and reserve your puppy.
* Our Lord of the Rings litter is all spoken for, but you can watch videos and see weekly photos of them and how we raise our puppies on facebook and instagram.
*Our next expected litter will be coming around the 1st of May. Lacey will be the mother and Loki the father. If puppies are born in around the 1st of May, they will be going home around the 1st of July. You can apply to place a deposit if you wish at this time. Or join our mailing list to be notified once the breeding has taken place.
You can see our giant collection vidoes on instagram. This is a fun way buyers can see their puppies grow before go home day. I post almost daily when I have a litter - my goal is one video per puppy per week. You can see cute reels, behind the scenes of cleaning, moments with the adult dogs, and more. Check out all our photos and videos here.